Thursday, October 29, 2009



Saturday, October 24, 2009


Attention: Proprietors/Proprietresses, Heateachers & Principals
Dear Sir/Madam,
Meeting the Special Needs of Learners in the Mainstream Classroom
Conference & Workshop
Design Concept & Systems Ltd hereby invites you to the above titled 1 day conference
& 3 day workshop scheduled to hold on 17th-20th November 2009.
All students can learn, but not all students learn in the same way, at the same time or at
the same rate- learning is an individual process. Meeting diverse learning needs means
identifying needs, developing individual goals and objectives for a student, selecting or
designing appropriate supports and services, and then choosing the best learning setting.
This course aims to equip educational managers and teachers in the transformation of
the mainstream school, for the school to become an environment which will facilitate
maximum participation and learning for all its learners.
Behavioral and emotional difficulties as well as learning difficulties are looked at.
Challenges in respect of language (reading and writing), numeracy /mathematics and the
content subjects are dealt with.
PROGRAMME: 1 Day Conference
Different role players face different challenges - What is needed, for a school to
actually meet its learners' special needs?
Using the positives to play our role - What is at hand, to meet the special needs?
Special versus inclusive education - The principles of learning support
Achieving understanding- of the individual learner's needs and assets
Effective learning support - A look at the implications of some barriers to effective
Learning support
Effective teaching-A foretaste of effective teaching strategies for learners with special
Audience: Teachers
Date: 17th November 2009
Venue: Centre for Management Development, (CMD) Shangisha, Lagos.
Fee: N12, 500 only. (Fees include: Facilitation, Materials, and Lunch)
*Certificate of Attendance to be issued by organizers
...transforming and empowering educators
PROGRAMME: 3 Day Workshop
(Certificates to be issued by the University of Pretoria)
Day 1
CB 1.1 Orientation
AD 1.2 A positive approach: finding and utilizing strengths and assets
FO 1.3 Early identification, referrals and reporting
CB 1.4 Assessing the learner with special needs
FO 1.5 Dynamic assessment as an alternative
AD 1.6 The principles of learning support
Day 2
Conceptualizing the needs and potential of learners with 6 types of barrier to
FO 2.1 Additional language
AD 2.2 Learning difficulties, including learners with epilepsy/cerebral palsy
CB 2.3 Cognitive challenges, including learners with Downe syndrome
FO 2.4 Sensory impairments, i.e. learners with visual and hearing impairment
AD 2.5 Physical impairments, including learners with cerebral palsy
CB 2.6 Behavioral challenges, including learners with autistic disorders
Day 3
The principles of appropriate accommodation and learning support for each
FO 3.1 Additional language
AD 3.2 Learning difficulties, including learners with epilepsy/cerebral palsy
CB 3.3 Cognitive challenges, including learners with Downe syndrome
FO 3.4 Sensory impairments, i.e. learners with visual and hearing impairment
AD 3.5 Physical impairments, including learners with cerebral palsy
CB 3.6 Behavioral challenges, including learners with autistic disorders
Audience: School Owners, Administrators, Principals, Head Teachers
Date: 18th- 20th November 2009
Venue: Centre for Management Development, Management Village, Shangisha, Lagos.
Fee: N85, 000 only.
Fees include: Tuition, Training materials, Conference bag, Tea break, Lunch.
? Understanding and valuing diversity, and respecting the uniqueness of each learner
? Understanding the nature and impact of special educational needs in the mainstream
? Recognizing the ways in which the classroom, school and community can alleviate
or contribute to barriers to learning
? Identifying and supporting learners who experience barriers to learning, including
? Understanding and applying principles of learning support, devising appropriate
strategies of learning support in the areas of learning, language, reading, writing and
numeracy/mathematics in the mainstream classroom
Prof. Dr Cecilia Bouwer, the Course Leader, has been lecturing in the Department
Educational Psychology, University of Pretoria, since 1995, where she specializes in
assessment concerning all nature of learning difficulty. Formerly she was a Chief
Research Specialist at the Human Sciences Research Council, where she headed the
Division Reading Development and was extensively involved in the development of
reading programmes and language assessment instruments, as well as research on
various kinds of barriers to learning. Currently, her research focuses on the
accommodation of barriers to learning in assessment, and the stress experienced by
teachers in dealing with learners with behavioral and emotional problems.
Dr Annatjie Dednam was a senior lecturer in remedial education at the University of
South Africa and formerly a chief researcher in the Division Reading Development of
the Human Sciences Research Council. Her truly extensive expertise in reading and
writing difficulties is rooted in 18 years' experience as a teacher in an aid class for
learners with specific learning disabilities, followed by a solid research career. Her deep
understanding of the field has found expression in important contributions to the HSRC
reading programmes and in other publications, the most recent being three definitive
chapters in an important new South African textbook.
Registration and Payments:
For registration and further information, please contact Oluseyi on 08020544408 or
Norah 08064885338.
All payments should be made in favor of:
Design Concept & Systems Nig Ltd
Oceanic Bank Plc
Ac Number: 1241101004797
Branch: Unity Branch, Ikeja, Lagos
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Tunde Obokhai Oluseyi Alagbe
President/CEO Head, Business Development.


Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Starting a private school is a lengthy process. Fortunately for you there's absolutely no need to re-invent the wheel. Plenty of folks have wanted to start their own school and have done the same thing you are thinking of doing. You will find much inspiration and practical advice from their examples.
In fact, you will find it extremely useful browsing the history section of any established private school's website. Some of these stories will inspire you, while others will make you question your intelligence for undertaking such a project.

Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: About Two Years
Here's How:
Identify Your Niche
18-24 months before opening: Determine what kind of school the local market needs. (pry,secondary, day, boarding, Montessori, etc.) Ask parents and teachers for their opinions. If you can afford it, hire a marketing company to do a survey. It will be worth it.
Once you determine what kind of school you will be opening, then decided how many grades will actually open the school. Your long range plans may call for a K-12 school, but it makes more sense to start small and grow solidly. Get the primary division established, then add the upper grades over time as your resources permit.

Form a Committee
24 months: Form a small committee of talented supporters to begin the preliminary work. Include parents with financial, legal, management and building experience. Ask for and get a commitment of time and financial support from each member. This important planning work which will demand much time and energy. These people can become the core of your first board of directors.
Co-opt additional paid talent, if you can afford it, to guide you through the various challenges, indeed, road blocks, which will inevitably confront you.

18 months: File incorporation papers with your Secretary of State. The lawyer on your committee should be able to handle this for you. There are costs associated with the filing, but he should donate his legal services to the cause.
This is a critical step in your long term fund raising. People will give money much more readily to a legal entity or institution as opposed to a person. If you have already decided to establish your own proprietary school, you will be on your own when it comes to raising money.

Develop a Business Plan
18 months: Develop a business plan. This should be a blue print of how the school is going to operate over its first five years. Always be conservative in your projections. Do not try to do everything in the first five years unless you have been lucky enough to find a donor to fund the program in its entirety.
Develop a Budget
18 months: Develop a budget for 5 years. This is the detailed look at income and expenses. The financial person on your committee should be responsible for developing this critical document. As always project your assumptions conservatively and factor in some wriggle room should things go wrong.
You need to develop two budgets: an operating budget and a capital budget. For example, a swimming pool or an arts facility would fall under the capital side, while planning for social security expenses would be an operating budget expense. Seek expert advice.

Find a Home
20 months: Locate a facility to house the school or develop building plans if you will be creating your own facility from scratch. Your architect and contractor committee members should spearhead this assignment.
Think carefully before you leap at acquiring that wonderful old mansion or vacant office space. Schools require good locations for many reasons, not the least of which is safety. Older buildings can be money pits. Investigate modular buildings which will be greener as well.

Tax Exempt Status
16 months: Apply for tax exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. Again, your lawyer can handle this application. Submit it as early in the process as you can so that you can begin to solicit tax deductible contributions.
People and businesses will definitely look upon your fund raising efforts much more favorably if you are a bona fide tax-exempt organization.

Tax exempt status might also help with local taxes as well, though I do recommend your paying local taxes whenever or wherever possible, as a gesture of goodwill.

Choose Key Staff Members
16 months: Identify your Head of School and your Business Manager. Conduct your search as widely as possible. Write job descriptions for these and all your staff and faculty positions. You will be looking for self-starters who enjoy building something from scratch.
Once IRS approvals are in place, hire the head and the business manager. They need the stability and focus of a steady job to get your school open.

Solicit Contributions
14 months: Secure your initial funding - donors and subscriptions. You will need to plan your campaign carefully so that you can build momentum, yet are able to keep pace with actual funding needs.
Appoint a dynamic leader from your planning group to ensure the success of these initial efforts. Bake sales and car washes are not going to yield the large amount of capital which you will need. Well-planned appeals to foundations and local philanthropists will pay off. If you can afford it, hire a professional to help you write proposals and identify donors.

Identify Your Faculty Requirements
14 months: It is critical to attract skilled faculty. Do so by agreeing on competitive compensation. Sell them on the vision of your new school. (The chance to shape something is always appealing!) While it is still over a year until you open, line up as many faculty as you can. Do not leave this important job until the last minute.
An agency such as Carney, Sandoe & Associates will be helpful at this stage in finding and vetting teachers for you.

Spread the Word
14 months: Advertise for students. Promote the new school through service club presentations and other community groups. Design a Web site and set up a mailing list to keep interested parents and donors in touch with your progress.
Marketing your school is something which has to be done consistently, appropriately and effectively. If you can afford it, hire an expert to get this important job done.

Open for Business
9 months: Open the school office and begin admissions interviews and tours of your facilities. January before a fall opening is the latest you can do this.
Ordering instructional materials, planning curricula and devising a master timetable are just some of the tasks your professionals will have to attend to.

Orient and Train Your Faculty
1 month: Have faculty in place to get school ready for opening. The first year at a new school requires endless meetings and planning sessions for the academic staff. Get your teachers on the job no later than August 1 in order to be prepared for opening day.
Depending on how lucky you are at attracting good teachers, you may have your hands full with this aspect of the project. Take the time needed to sell your new teachers on the school's vision. They need to buy into it, or else their negative attitudes could create a host of problems.

Opening Day
Make this a soft opening at which you welcome your students and any interested parents at a brief assembly. Then off to classes. Teaching is what your school will be known for. It needs to begin promptly on Day 1.
The formal opening ceremonies should be a festive occasion. Schedule it for a few weeks after the soft opening. Faculty and students will have sorted themselves out by then. A feeling of community will be apparent. The public impression which your new school will make will be a positive one. Invite local, regional and state leaders, and, of course, the politicians.

Stay Informed.
Join national and state private school associations! You will find incomparable resources. The networking opportunities for you and your staff are virtually limitless. Plan on attending association conferences in year 1 so that your school is visible. That will ensure a nice pile of applications for vacant positions in the following academic year.
Be conservative in your projections of revenues and expenses even if you have an angel who is paying for everything.
Make sure real estate agents are aware of the new school. Families moving into the community always ask about schools! Arrange open houses and gatherings to promote your new school.
Submit your school's website to sites like this one so that parents' and teachers can begin to be aware of its existence.
Always plan your facilities with growth and expansion in mind. Be sure to keep them green as well. A sustainable school will last many years. One which is planned without any consideration of sustainability simply will fail.
What You Need:
A Planning Committee
A Head of School
A Business Manager
A Business Plan
Dynamic, effective fund raising
Professional marketing